The artists for the Wednesday Recital of 22nd January, 2025 were Devangbhushan Basumatary, Kalyan Majumdar and Swarnendu Mandal. The first performance was delivered by Devangbhushan Basumatary, a Scholar of the Academy under Shri Omkar Dadarkar. He began the recital with a vilambit khayal in Raga Shree. This was followed by two compositions of the Raga set in madhyalay Teentaal and drut Ektaal. Devangbhushan was accompanied by Shri Bivash Sanghai on the Tabla and Janab Sarwar Hussain on the Sarangi.
Next was a jugalbandi by Kalyan Majumdar, a Scholar under Pandit Partha Chatterjee and Swarnendu Mandal, a Scholar under Shri Abir Hossain. They began their performances with an alaap and a traditional vilambit composition in Raga Bihag. This was followed by a gat composed by Swarnendu. They concluded with an alaap and a drut composition in Raga Manjh Khamaj. Kalyan and Swarnendu were accompanied by Shri Ashis Paul and Shri Ashoke Mukherjee on the Tabla.