The artists for the Wednesday Recital of 8th January, 2025, were Sayan Sinha and Sudeepto Chakraborty. The first performance was delivered by Sayan Sinha, a Scholar of the Academy under Shri Omkar Dadarkar and Pandit Partha Chatterjee. He began the recital with a composition in Raga Jhinjhoti set in vilambit Teentaal. This was followed by a composition of the Raga set in drut Teentaal. He concluded his performance with a composition in Raga Kafi. Sayan was accompanied by Shri Indranil Bhaduri on the Tabla and Prajwal Shirke on the Tanpura.
The next artist was Sudeepto Chakraborty, a Scholar under Shri Brajeswar Mukherjee and Pandit Ajoy Chakrabarty. Sudeepto began his performance with a vilambit khayal in Raga Malkauns which was followed by a composition of the Raga set in drut Teentaal, both composed by Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan. Next, he sang a composition of the Raga by Ustad Enayet Hussain Khan, set in drut Ektaal. He concluded the performance with a dadra in Mishra Pahadi, composed by Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan. Sudeepto was accompanied by Shri Jayanta Sarkar on the Tabla, Janab Sarwar Hussain on the Sarangi and Anubhab Khamaru and Shreyan Sarkar on the Tanpura.