Pranjal Ghatak (Flute), Ashoke Mukherjee (Tabla) || Prajwal Shirke (Vocal), Ashis Paul (Tabla), Gourab Chatterjee (Harmonium)
6:00 PM Onwards | Wednesday Recital
Violina’s performance at the Wednesday Recital, 11th September, 2024:
The Violina delivered a performance at the Wednesday Recital, 11th September, 2024
Shatavisha Mukherjee’s performance at the Wednesday Recital, 4th September, 2024:
Shatavisha Mukherjee delivered a solo performance at the Wednesday Recital, 4th September, 2024.
Violin concert by Violina, Avik Ganguly (Tabla), Rajkumar Saha (Synthesizer)
6:00 PM Onwards | Wednesday Recital
Ruta Deshmukh and Amaan Hussain’s performances at the Wednesday Recital, 28th August, 2024:
Ruta Deshmukh and Amaan Hussain delivered solo performances at the Wednesday Recital, 28th August, 2024
Shatavisha Mukherjee (Vocal), Bivash Sanghai (Tabla), Sarwar Hussain (Sarangi), Jyotirmoy Banerjee (Harmonium)
6:00 PM Onwards | Wednesday Recital
Ruta Deshmukh (Vocal), Ashoke Mukherjee (Tabla), Gourab Chatterjee (Harmonium), Amaan Hussain (Sarangi), Bivash Sanghai (Tabla)
6:00 PM Onwards | Wednesday Recital
Sagar Morankar and Ayan Sengupta’s performances at the Wednesday Recital, 21st August, 2024:
Sagar Morankar and Ayan Sengupta delivered a unique Jugalbandi at the Wednesday Recital, 21st August, 2024.
Shadaj Iyer and Shreya Chatterjee’s performances at the Wednesday Recital, 14th August, 2024:
Shadaj Iyer and Shreya Chatterjee delivered their solo performances at the Wednesday Recital, 14th August, 2024.
Ayan Sengupta (Sitar), Sagar Morankar (Vocal), Ashis Paul (Tabla), Ashoke Mukherjee (Tabla)
6:00 PM Onwards | Wednesday Recital
Shri Abir Hossain’s performance at the Wednesday Recital, 7th August:
Shri Abir Hossain delivered a solo performance at the Wednesday Recital, 7th August.